Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Longer post with cut

Here is a longer post.

I've placed some videos after the cut.

Note that we can adjust the "Read me!" line to say anything we want, but it will always be the same. Also can adjust it to mention the name of the post. IE it could say "Read more of (POST TITLE) under here..." or something.

The site that gave me this coding says that it only works on the first page of your main page...but I tested that, and it doesn't seem to be true on blogger at the moment. We could play with it and find out...doesn't really matter if it's not true.

And here is the rest of this post.

My suggestions for the cut-line text are:

Continue reading (POST TITLE) under here...

(POST TITLE) continues...

Continue under the cut...

Keep reading...

and so forth.


Logan Gawain said...

Well, one solution to having the "read more" text on each post, even if there isn't anything to read more, we could make it say "permalink" and where there is actually more we just write, "to read the rest of this post, click the permalink" or "to see the videos click the permalink below" or some such.

It's an option

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